Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning for GMO's

Ok so when I shared the craziness yesterday about GMO's and genetically engineered foods, I wasn't planning on there being a "part 2", but ugh, I couldn't NOT share this one more thing. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine publicly condemned genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply, due to their serious health risk. Although the evidence against GMO's is alarming, and the government and food industry are keeping a lid on it while ignoring and denying scientific findings and silencing those who speak up... one thing is for sure. The same foods (GMOs) that are killing lab animals and farm animals and causing serious reproductive disorders, liver problems, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation and changes in major organs are being pumped into our food supply big time. "More than 70% of the foods on supermarket shelves contain derivatives of the eight GM foods on the market- soy, corn, oil from canola and cottonseed, sugar from sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, and a small amount of zucchini and crook neck squash. The biotech industry hopes to genetically engineer virtually all remaining vegetables, fruits, grains, and beans (not to mention animals)." Want to know more? Here's a really excellent article on the Big GMO Coverup, and here's "GM Crops- Just the Science" prepared by researchers and scientists, written in plain English for the general public.