Staying on track...
- Homeschooling Burdens - Are you burdened, overwhelmed, or concerned if you're doing enough, or doing it "right"? Read this excellent article by Jeannie Fulbright to help lighten your load.
- Teach the Child - Make sure your curriculum is serving you... not the other way around. If you're checking boxes and trudging along through a curriculum that's not a great fit, read this article from Sonya Shafer.
- Curriculum Cage - This is a poem written by a home school mom that may help bring you back to sanity if you're overwhelmed with finding the perfect curriculum.
Answering the Nay-Sayers...
- Missing Out - Here are some "better" responses to common questions home schoolers receive.
- Socialization - It can actually be a benefit of home schooling!
- Homeschooling Works - Check out the largest nation-wide study on home schoolers!
- Homeschool Graduates in College ~ From the Professors' Perspective - This blogger appealed to college professors to find out how homeschool graduates perform in college.
You CAN do it!!!
- "I Can't Homeschool Because _______" - Think you can't do it for one reason or another? Here's an excellent linkup of bloggers discrediting the most commonly used reasons a mom can't homeschool. Check it out.
- On Inconveniences in Home Schooling: Meltdowns and Other Messes - Here's an excellent article answering the concerns over clashing with your kids, meltdowns over math and the other inevitable messiness of home schooling.
- Life Happens... But So Does Home Schooling - Here's a post I wrote when we managed to home school during a busier-than-ever year. And I'm glad we did.
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